University teachers are on a total strike

Staff reporter

Photo: Bonik Barta

The Federation of Bangladesh University Teachers’ Association (FBUTA) has started observing a total work abstention from July 1 till infinite time demanding the withdrawal of the ‘Prottoy Scheme’ which they claimed as discriminatory and unacceptable.

At a press conference on Sunday (June 30) at the main entrance of the Arts Building of Dhaka University (DU) the total work abstention was declared by the FBUTA. Earlier, the teachers of the public universities had observed a half-day and full-day strike for the same demand, however, exams were excluded from these programs. But, this time, they will refrain from all academic and administrative activities, including classes and exams, FBUTA announced.

In a written statement, mentioning the demerits of the particular scheme, the teachers’ said, “If the Prottoy Scheme is implemented, it will affect those students who are interested in joining academia. Our movement is in favor of protecting the interests of the future young generation of the country and against the conspiracy to destroy the higher education system.”

Dr Nizamul Hoque Buiyan, the Secretary General of the FBUTA and President of Dhaka University Teachers’ Association read the written statement at the press conference on Sunday (June 30). Besides, Md Akhtarul Islam presided over the press conference.

Dr Nizamul Hoque Buiyan said, “This scheme is discriminatory. A group of government officials has misled the Prime Minister to start over such a scheme. Teachers want to live with dignity. After trying to talk with the concerned officials in various ways in this matter, we are left with no choice but to go for an all-in-one movement.”

Expressing solidarity with the comprehensive strike of the FBUTA, the Dhaka University Teachers Association (DUTA) announced the program on Sunday (June 30) where the General Secretary of the DUTA Dr Zeenat Huda said that the teachers have rejected the discriminatory ‘Prottoy Scheme’.

“In protest against the imposition of the Prottoy Scheme on teachers, we will not participate in any ‘Dhaka University Day’ programs,” she added.

Prof Dr Md Omar Faruk Sarker, General Secretary of Rajshahi University Teachers Association told Bonik Barta, “Government is reducing teachers’ facilities continuously. For example, when we started our jobs, an increment was given upon joining, which is no longer the case. Previously, an increment was given for obtaining a PhD, but now it is not. The session benefits have also been canceled. And finally, we have been excluded from the existing pension system for government employees. Due to these reasons, we are seeing talented individuals leaning towards other jobs, including BCS. If these continuous, talented individuals will not come into teaching.”

The FBUTA remained vocal against the Prottoy Scheme since its announcement by the Finance Ministry on May 13. Their protests include the withdrawal of the Prottoy Scheme notification, the inclusion of university teachers in super grade, and the introduction of a separate pay scale for teachers. To achieve these demands, the teachers have observed a half-day strike on June 25, 26, and 27. On June 30, they observed a full-day strike.

Meanwhile, Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury said that a decision will be taken after monitoring the matter. In a press conference held at the International Mother Language Institute in the capital on June 30 afternoon, organized on the HSC and equivalent exams, the minister said, “I am not commenting on the potential deadlock at the university at this moment.” They announced a program. If this deadlock starts from July 1 (Monday), then we will take action according to the situation.”

The Education Minister also said, “University teachers have shown us a comparative picture explaining why they are reluctant to join the universal pension scheme. We have also shared various observations from our side with them. These are still under discussion.”

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