Bonik Barta steps into 14th year

The lifeline of our journalism is to present our readers with creative and reliable contents

Dewan Hanif Mahmud

Bonik Barta photo

The first edition of The Daily Bonik Barta hit the newsstands of the country on June 7, 2011. On that day, a young journalist set his journey as editor. The survival of a print daily for 13 years without any interruption against the backdrop of the reality of Bangladesh’s media industry is not unknown to anyone. Bonik Barta did not merely survive. It has done so earning the confidence of its readers. Bonik Barta’s information-based journalism and its commitment to accurate news are the principal catalysts of the accomplishment. Due to our devotion to journalism and information, many hurdles could not weaken us. Rather, due to our obligation to journalism, Bonik Barta has created a separate position among its readers. As far as our journey ahead is concerned, challenges we face have not at all diminished.

Digital media is the future – this is what everyone is saying. Even, printed newspapers are now attaching readers to digital outlets through QR code. Every print media has created its own digital platform. Utilizing the reputation of print version, newspapers are creating a strong position in the digital world. Therefore, be it print version or digital, there is no alternative to quality journalism for survival. Print outlets are simultaneously getting digital through video, podcast and online journalism. This era is challenging for journalists. A journalist is requiring to be skillful both in print and digital versions to adjust to the new reality. The mentality and enthusiasm of journalists are important in this regard. Journalists will lose their professional credibility if they fail to update themselves with the journey of transformation.       

Not only the seismic waves caused by digital world, changing political situation in different countries, wars and conflicts have also made the job of journalists difficult. But, we want to pose counter questions. Are external hurdles or state policies are impediment to good journalism, or we journalists lag behind in terms of professional responsibility and skills? How much are we pursuing passionate journalism? To what extent, youths of the country are getting interested in passionate journalism? The main tasks of journalists are to question the powerful and disseminate information using reliable sources. This practice is very limited in Bangladesh.  

Journalists are being able to ask questions forcefully in many countries with authoritarian structure. Freedom of journalism varies from country to country. But, that does not alter the job and responsibility of journalists. Even in the developed countries, states and governments exert pressure on journalists. Our predecessors played important role amidst unfavorable environment. The legal obstacles for the journalists were there in the past. Owing to the lack of commitment and passion for the profession, journalism in our country is failing to fulfil the aspiration of the readers.

Interference from the owners the most debated issue in today’s journalism. But, in our 13 years of journey, we have never faced the issue.     

Bonik Barta has just stepped into 14th year. From the onset, we were not interested in joining so-called race to increase the circulation. Rather, we have been attentive to journalism that is based on information and evidence. We have strived to ensure accurate information and relevant analysis. And, continued effort and quality journalism on our part have confirmed our footmark in the country’s journalism. Readers and advertisers are placing their trust in us. Overcoming different adversities and transformational snags, Bonik Barta has created a separate stance. We do not claim that we have a whopping circulation. But, we can state with certainty that in 13 years we have got a loyal group of readers by our side. Their confidence has allowed us to dream of a long journey and kept us connected with the process of being relevant under the new situation. The lifeline of our journalism is to present our readers with creative and reliable contents. We are experimenting with contents continually and trying to learn every day.             

In addition to print version, Bonik Barta is maintaining its presence in the digital domain. Readers are reading, listening and watching Bonik Barta contents on Facebook, YouTube, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and LinkedIn. We have been working to meet the demand of the readers of digital platform with our creativity and quality journalism. We have to go a long way in this regard. To this end, we are constantly endeavoring to sharpen our creativity and sills.

Bonik Barta, as a media outlet, has been prioritizing youth from the very beginning. Many young people – males and females – with a dream of doing professional journalism have started their career here. Bonik Barta is always generous when it comes to providing them the opportunity to learn and flourish their creativity.

On the auspicious occasion of stepping into fourteenth year, we thank and extend our gratitude to all Bonik Barta readers, writers, agents, hawkers and well-wishers. We could not have achieved what we have without our confidence, love and cooperation. The support from the readers has provided us with the opportunity to do quality journalism. A huge thank you to all of our readers.

***The writer is editor and publisher of The Daily Bonik Barta 

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