Rajshahi University

Insects cut students' mark sheet registration cards

Staff Correspondent, RU

Mark sheets and registration cards that were damaged by insects were left in the Anthropology Department of RU. Photo: Bonik Barta

Students must submit original mark sheets and registration cards for their HSC and SSC when university admission. It is the department's responsibility to preserve these documents. On Thursday, a student from the Anthropology Department went to collect his mark sheet and found that insects had wholly damaged it. One by one, around 25-30 students discovered that their important documents were in the same condition.

“The department has failed to ensure the security of such important documents in our lives. Everything from the mark sheets and registration cards submitted at admission to all necessary documents has been destroyed. Is this why we came to a public university?said Ittihadul Islam from the Anthropology Department of Rajshahi University (RU).

Ittihadul Islam, a student from the 2020-21 session of the Anthropology Department, said, "The documents have been damaged by insects primarily due to the negligence of the office staff. They are making excuses, saying the department was closed for three months, which is why this happened. But our papers were left on the office floor, making them easily accessible for insects. They blame us, saying it's our fault for not taking them. Is this why we came to a public university?"

Regarding this issue, Professor Kazi Robiul Alam, the head of the Anthropology Department, told Bonik Barta, "I have assured those who do not have photocopies of their mark sheets that the department will assist. However, while we asked students to collect their documents, many did not. We will have to wait a bit for a detailed decision. A decision will be made in the academic committee meeting."


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