Student-Public Movement

Suhrawardy Hospital's list of dead bodies yet to be found

প্রকাশ: সেপ্টেম্বর ১৭, ২০২৪

Anisur Rahman

Many casualties were taken to the capital's Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital during the quota reform movement. According to the latest figures from the institution, a total of 49 deaths have been recorded at the hospital. However, medical staff who were on duty during the days of casualties in July and August claim that the number of deaths could be between 100 and 150. In this context, many trainee doctors at the hospital have alleged that the authorities have concealed the actual number of deaths.

The quota reform movement began on July 18, when the highest influx of casualties to Suhrawardy Hospital began. A reporter from Bonik Barta spoke with 10 doctors about the situation during that period.

According to these doctors, over a hundred individuals were brought to the hospital dead or injured on July 18. Many of the wounded later died while undergoing treatment. On the following day, July 19, 33 people were brought in dead. Among those brought in injured, an additional 25-30 people died while being admitted.

Eyewitness doctors report that at least 60 people died at Suhrawardy Hospital on July 19 alone. A doctor on duty during a shift on July 20 mentioned that more than 20 dead bodies were brought in during that shift. The quota reform movement intensified from the beginning of August. Doctors on duty stated that between August 1 and 5, the hospital received 10-15 dead bodies. Many have expressed doubts about the list of dead bodies at the hospital and questioned why the hospital authorities might be concealing the actual number of deaths.

When asked about the actual number of deaths at the hospital, a trainee doctor, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Bonik Barta, "The information released by the hospital authorities does not match the daily body count. There could be concealment or irregularities in the number of dead bodies reported."

The hospital authorities formed a committee to determine the number of casualties arriving at Suhrawardy Hospital. The committee was led by Dr. Foyezur Ahsan Imran, who is in charge of the One Stop Emergency Service (OSEC). By September 14, the committee had compiled a list of 49 dead bodies.

When asked about this, Dr. Imran told Bonik Barta, "There were a lot of casualties at that time, so it was impossible to register everyone. Additionally, some bodies were kept in the emergency department due to a lack of space in the hospital morgue. Relatives took some of these bodies. Although many of them later provided us with information, we have ultimately recorded 49 deaths."

According to hospital regulations, when a body arrives, it must first be registered in the emergency department. After that, the body undergoes an autopsy, and legal procedures are completed. Only then is the body handed over to relatives or heirs. In this process, three heirs must provide valid documentation to the hospital authorities to collect a body from the hospital morgue.

Regarding the number of bodies, Dr. Shafiur Rahman, the director of Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital, told Bonik Barta, "We have sent the number of bodies to the ministry. Therefore, there is no need to disclose this information further." He did not provide any additional details on the matter.

Doctors have accused the hospital authorities of underreporting the number of injured individuals. They alleged that a team of doctors from the Swadhinata Chikitshak Parishad was assigned to the emergency department according to the director's instructions. According to the doctors, this team took advantage of their position to release many seriously injured and critically ill patients. They also provided preliminary treatment to several gunshot victims and then discharged them, seemingly to reduce the reported number of casualties in the media. The doctors call for a fair and impartial investigation committee to determine the accurate casualties.


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