Biden writes to Hasina, expressing willingness to work together

প্রকাশ: ফেব্রুয়ারি ০৪, ২০২৪

Bonik Barta Online

United States President Joe Biden has written a letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, expressing his willingness to work together to achieve Bangladesh's economic goals.

He also aired his keenness to partner with Bangladesh on their shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific, Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh said on Sunday.

United States Embassy in Dhaka shared the letter with the Foreign Ministry on Sunday, it said.

"The United States is committed to supporting Bangladesh's ambitious economic goals and partnering with Bangladesh on our shared vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific," Biden said in his letter

As the two countries embark on the next chapter of the U.S.-Bangladesh partnership, the US President said he wants to convey the sincere desire of his administration to continue their work together on regional and global security, economic development, climate change and energy, global health, humanitarian support, especially for Rohingya refugees, and more.

"We have a long and successful history of working together to solve problems, and our strong people-to-people ties are the foundation of this relationship," said the US president.

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